Yahoo Shopping Volume Surges During Sale

Yahoo! Inc.’s special three-day sale offered last week produced a 25 percent increase in gross merchandise sales over normal levels on Yahoo Shopping. The company reports that some of its merchant partners saw sales spike as much as 500 percent over normal levels.

Hewlett-Packard Co., which participated in the promotion, saw revenues on its e-commerce site rise 380 percent compared with the same three-day period in the prior week.

The sale, which Yahoo dubbed as “the biggest sale in Internet history,” brought together special prices on goods from more than 100 of Yahoo’s retail partners, along with discounts on Yahoo services like e-mail and personals, and from Yahoo Auction sellers. It also formed relationships with some new retailers, such as Sears Roebuck and Co., which is not a regular Yahoo Shopping partner, but did participate in last week’s promotion.

Moderator Comment: What can be learned from the Yahoo!

Seth Godin is right. “Permission Marketing” works. By
“Unleashing the Ideavirus” on top of it, Yahoo! revenues rise. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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