Tofu, Soya May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Tofu and soya milk may reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to the latest research reported by Sky News. The charity Cancer Research UK found that women who eat a lot of soya are much less likely to have the ‘dense’ tissue associated with breast cancer. From a group of 406 women in the study, those who ate the most soya were 60 percent less likely to have ‘high risk’ breast tissue than those who ate the least.

Breast cancer is now the most common form of cancer among women, affecting nearly 40,000 women in the U.K .a year. Most women who get the disease are past menopause, but more than 7,000 women a year are younger than 50 when they are diagnosed. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is now one in five. Men are also at risk, but at a much lower rate. About 200 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Research suggests that changing diet could prevent as many as 35 in every 100 cancer cases.

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Look for an ad campaign with female celebrities and their Silk mustaches coming
to your local billboard and the pages of women’s magazines very soon. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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