The State of the Union

By George Anderson

The economy is bad, war overseas looms and President Bush has a plan for getting the country through it all.

In the annual state of the union address, Mr. Bush called for Congress to approve his tax-cut plan to boost the economy and put the unemployed back to work.

“Jobs are created when the economy grows; the economy grows when Americans have more money to spend and invest; and the best, fairest way to make sure Americans have that money is not to tax it away in the first place,” Mr. Bush said.

In the Democrat’s response to Mr. Bush’s speech, Gov. Gary Locke of Washington said, “To be strong abroad, we have to be strong at home. People are obviously worried about terrorism and Iraq, but those concerns should not overshadow the pressing needs of the people here at home.”

Moderator’s Comment: What are your thoughts on the
President’s state of the union address and the issues facing the country and
the retail industry?

Anderson – Moderator

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