The Spiritual Component of Leadership

Vollie Melson, Director, Leadership Initiatives, NACS, writes in a column titled, The Leadership-Spirituality Connection, that there is a definitive link between leadership and spirituality.

Mr. Melson is not alone in this view. Bill Taylor, Editor, Fast Company, told the 2002 NACS Leadership Assembly back in March that The Bible was the greatest book on leadership he had ever read.

Jim Kouczes and Barry Posner, authors of The Leadership Challenge, agree. “We appreciate people who take a stand on important principles. We resolutely refuse to follow those who lack confidence in their own beliefs.”

Connecting our working personas to our spiritual base can be challenging. David Miller, President, The Avodah Institute, says, “Commercially speaking, most publicly traded companies resist overt expressions of faith in the normal conduct of business. Individually speaking, most people spend significantly more time and energy at their place of work rather than their place of worship. Many businesspeople wonder if it is even possible to be a person of faith and a successful professional at the same time.”

Moderator’s Comment: What, if any, is the connection
between leadership and spirituality?

The greatest leaders are also the most dedicated servants.
“All brothers are to preach by their works.” – Saint Francis of Assisi [George
Anderson – Moderator

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