The Retail Survivor Series

By George Anderson

If you’re looking for reality programming, you need look no further than the competitive retail market. It’s an everyday battle for survival where the big question is which retailers will be gone tomorrow or remain standing to battle on.

Many analysts are predicting tougher times ahead for retailers reeling from disappointing fourth quarter results. Virtually every large retail chain from Barnes & Noble to Wal-Mart came away with far less than they had hoped to reap this holiday season.

Others, particularly niche retailers, such as the Tower Records chain, FAO and Mrs. Field’s may be struggling under too much debt, according to a report from Reuters.

Consumer fear about the economy, the prospect of war with Iraq, price competition and an increase in consumer saving are all said to be factors limiting retail growth.

Moderator’s Comment: Two Questions:

  1. What were the biggest retail-related events/news of

  2. Do you see any surprises (pleasant or otherwise) ahead
    for 2003? [George
    Anderson – Moderator

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