Spam It, Enough is Enough!

By George Anderson

Telemarketers may have stopped calling but obtrusive marketing remains alive
and well in the form of spam on the Internet, according to The Associated

“Consumers are getting inundated with pornographic or false and misleading
e-mails that diminishes their faith in e-commerce, undermining many of the benefits,”
said Joseph Rubin of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

A bill to prevent unsolicited commercial electronic mail, HR 2214, has been
referred to committee for consideration.

Moderator’s Comment: What distinguishes a legitimate
business email marketing effort from spam? Is legislation needed to address
the issue?

For some, this is cut and dried. For others, such as Rep.
Bobby Scott, D-Va., the line between spam and legitimate email marketing is
not so clear. The congressman said, “Even commercially-sponsored e-mail has
some First Amendment rights.”
Anderson – Moderator

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