Soymilk Maker Looks to Healthy Market Opportunity

SoyToy is a new product that aims to capitalize on the rapidly growing soy-foods trend in the U.S.

Creator Robert Cohen says that the $159 soymilk maker will quickly pay for itself as it produces healthy soymilk for approximately four cents a quart from dry soybeans in just 25 minutes. Making the product for immediate consumption also means that the milk retains all of the essential fiber and nutrients that are frequently lost by many of the pre-made soymilks currently found on supermarket shelves, the inventor claims.

Homemade soymilk can be flavored, or used to make creamy soups, cheese, butter, ice cream, sour cream, veggie burgers, mayonnaise and other intricate dishes, according to Mr. Cohen.

Moderator Comment: Will mainstream consumers be attracted
to homemade beverage machines such as the SoyToy?

We see another bread machine scenario coming where many
affluent American households have soymilk machines nicely tucked away in kitchen
cupboards collecting dust. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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