Seven Instances to Consider a Business Name Change

Globally speaking, every hour of every day, a major corporation is forced to change its name, according to Naseem Javed, syndicated columnist and author of Naming for Power. Here are seven reasons when to seriously consider a name change:

  1. Name is similar or identical to thousands of others.

  2. Name is too old to convey today?s dynamics.

  3. The creative spelling of a name requires a higher IQ.

  4. More money is spent in explaining the origin of a name.

  5. Corporation does not own a trademark with an identical

  6. Name is embarrassing or profane in a foreign language.

  7. Name is too long, difficult, confusing, complicated or boring.

Moderator Comment: How important is a retailer’s company
name in communicating a distinct market identity?

There are numerous CPG companies and retailers that should
consider a name change based on Mr. Javed’s criteria. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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