Research Shows OTC Supplement’s Promise

Clinical research conducted for the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) on the OTC supplement SAM-e indicates that it may be suitable as an alternative treatment to prescription medicines for depression, osteoarthritis and some chronic liver conditions.

According to, SAM-e (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) was first introduced in the United States in 1998. It is “a natural compound found in every human cell and involved in over 35 biochemical processes in the body.”

Dr Hyla Cass, a clinical psychiatrist and UCLA assistant professor said the results of the study conducted by Rand Corporation “are quite compelling.” The study involved three years reviewing medical literature and evidence from 102 different human clinical studies of SAM-e.

Moderator’s Comment: Two questions:

  1. Do retailers need to have a “chief whole health officer”
    to stay current with health and wellness developments such as the HHS research?

  2. Is this function needed to create an organization-wide
    strategic vision and to assure tactical execution in stores? [George
    Anderson – Moderator

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