Reaching Latinos Means More than Speaking Spanish

By George Anderson

It has become a common ritual in the business press. Another retailer or brand identifies the opportunity associated with the Hispanic consumer and announces the creation of a targeted marketing program to capture greater share of this $581 billion and growing marketplace.

Effectively connecting with these consumers requires more than simply translating ads and commercials written in English into Spanish, say experts in the field.

For many, MasterCard is a proper example of what it takes to effectively reach the diverse Hispanic consumer. Leslie Dukker Doty, senior vice president, MasterCard told the Gannett News Service, “We always try to reach consumers in culture, not language.”

MasterCard’s Hispanic marketing program includes sponsoring events and creating educational materials in Spanish. The company has refocused its “priceless” advertising campaign with imagery and Spanish-language messages centered on family, and the affinity that many within this consumer group have with the sports of baseball and soccer.

Moderator’s Comment: Two Questions–

  1. Does MasterCard’s emphasis on the “culture” of Hispanic
    consumers make sense for all marketing to other demographic groups?

  2. Are retailers effectively marketing their ability to
    meet the real world needs of their various consumer stakeholder groups?
    Anderson – Moderator

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