Obesity As Dangerous as Smoking

By George Anderson

Based on the medical records of nearly 3,500 adults in the US, Dutch researchers have concluded that being overweight poses a similar risk for premature death as does smoking.

According to the study, women who were obese at age 40 died seven years earlier than those who were not overweight. Obese men died nearly six years sooner than those that were not.

The study’s results appeared in the American College of Physicians’ Annals of Internal Medicine. Reuters quotes the study’s authors, “The smoking epidemic in the western world is waning. However, a new fear should be the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults, which heralds another potentially preventable public health disaster.”

Moderator’s Comment: How can retailers increase profits
and address the health issues raised by obesity in American society?

With nearly two-thirds of Americans now being classified
as being overweight, it seems as though whole health retailers are missing opportunities
to grow business and consumer loyalty by not offering nutritional counseling
and formal on-site weight loss programs. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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