Men: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Clothes

By George Anderson

Stores such as Target and Gadzooks are cutting back or eliminating men’s wear departments because of a lack of demand.

Marshal Cohen, senior retail analyst, NPD Group told The New York Times, “Men don’t need to see 40 different pairs of black pants, the way women like to see. They want to see three pairs of black pairs, have some clerk tell him what to wear with them, and move on. The stores simply don’t need the floor space anymore.”

Sales of men’s wear have been falling almost from the very beginning of casual Fridays.

Moderator’s Comment: If men are not spending money
on clothes, on what are they spending their money? What do men want in the shopping

In the economy of today and the recent past, men are spending
their money on the mortgage, food and other necessities. For many, a PDA is
more of a necessity than clothes. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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