McD’s Olsen Twins Promo Faux Pas

By George Anderson

Here’s one to be entered under the “What the heck were they thinking?” category.

McDonald’s in France is running a Happy Meals promotion featuring the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley.

As anyone who has stood in a supermarket checkout line knows, Mary-Kate spent time this summer in a treatment facility for an eating disorder.

A representative for the twins told a New York Daily News’ gossip column, “This was a promotional deal that was in the works for a very long time. We don’t feel that Mary-Kate’s problem is anything to be ashamed of, so there was no reason to make a change.”

The meals, reports the Associated Press, come with an Olsen twins photo album, denim bag or a crayon box.

Moderator’s Comment: What is your reaction to the McDonald’s promotion featuring the Olsen twins? Do you think that Mary-Kate’s problems with an eating
disorder will undermine the effectiveness of the promotion?

Let the Mary-Kate super size jokes begin.
George Anderson – Moderator

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