Half of U.S. Kids, Teens Need More Calcium

Of American children and teens, more than half has a diet lacking in calcium, say experts, putting them at risk for serious health problems.

Children ages four to eight need 800 milligrams of calcium daily; kids from nine to 18 require 1,300 milligrams. Dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese are an excellent source of calcium; whether low-fat, nonfat or flavored products. For kids who can’t digest dairy foods, and those choose not to use milk products, it’s especially important to find other sources of calcium. Some examples of calcium-fortified foods are soy milk and cheeses, cereals, juices, tofu and some leafy vegetables.

Moderator Comment: Will the fortified food trend continue
to grow?

You can find fortified foods in almost every department
throughout grocery stores. Having recently been in a supermarket and overheard
a mother tell her child to grab some normal orange juice, without calcium or
vitamin E, we couldn’t help but wonder if this sentiment would become more widespread.
A large percentage of consumers prefer to purchase products without anything
added, don’t they? [George
Anderson – Moderator

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