Forrester’s Rubin: Only Room for One B2B Exchange

By George Anderson

Robert Rubin, research director for the consumer packaged goods industry at Forrester Research, does not believe the World Wide Retail Exchange (WWRE) and Transora can continue operating as separate B2B marketplaces indefinitely.

Mr. Rubin told Forbes, “In order for WWRE to survive, they will need to find a solution with Transora that creates one exchange.”

The Forbes piece adds, “Because retailers wield more power than their suppliers do, Rubin is betting that the WWRE will win this fight, with its members taking control of a merged exchange.”

Moderator’s Comment: Two Questions–

  1. Can WWRE and Transora continue to operate separately?

  2. What would be the result of a WWRE and Transora

According to Forbes, B2B exchanges may be in better shape
than is commonly assumed. Some such as WWRE are attempting to go beyond being
simple auction houses. WWRE is currently running pilots with its retailer members
to test the system’s collaborative forecasting, planning and replenishment (CFPR)
potential. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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