Former President Bush Joins Grocery Chain

By George Anderson

Rumors are circulating that former president, George H. Bush, has joined a local Houston supermarket chain.

Someone close to the former president, requesting anonymity said, “When the former president said he was going to do work for the chain, I assumed it would be on the corporate board. Instead, he tells me he’s going to work as a cashier in a store.”

According to the source, President Bush said, “Heck, I had so much fun with the scanner on my trip to the supermarket back in ninety, I figured I’d get myself a part-time job working the checkout.”

So far, reports are that store management is pleased with the former president’s performance. A customer in the store did have a suggestion, however, “You would think with all those Secret Service standing around him that you could get someone to help you bag your groceries or take your sacks at to the car.”

Happy April Fool’s Day from RetailWire.

Moderator’s Comment: We thought of the jobs that ex-presidents
would be best suited for in a supermarket. What politicians, celebrities, etc.
would you like to see working in a store and what jobs would you give them?

Bill Clinton would definitely have to work maintaining
the front-end. Someone needs to make sure the tabloids are in stock.
Anderson – Moderator

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