Drinking Binge Stereotypes Debunked

By George Anderson

Many think binge drinking is just for frat boys. That is simply not true, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

A Chicago Sun Times article reported on the central findings of the study.

  • Sixty-nine percent of binge-drinking episodes occurred among adults at least 26 years in age.

  • The average Binger parties much too hardy 7.4 times a year.

  • Men represent 81% of bingeing episodes.

  • Nearly half of moderate drinkers go on a binge.

The author’s of the study conclude that binge drinking is a serious problem that requires action on the part of medical and government authorities. Among the actions recommended are raising alcohol taxes, medical screening for binge drinkers and changing or eliminating beer and wine advertising on television.

Moderator’s Comment: Should retailers support tax increases
on alcoholic beverages to combat binge drinking?

Binge drinking is a societal health issue and should be
a concern to all, especially when it includes getting behind the wheel of an
automobile. There are laws to punish offenders for driving and public intoxication.
Sin taxes should not be used to punish the vast majority of responsible drinkers.
Anderson – Moderator

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