Crunchy Conservatives

By George Anderson

There’s a new subculture of consumers that eat organic food, do not watch television and consider themselves economic and social conservatives.

They are the “crunchy cons”. Crunchy, as in granola, and cons, as in conservative, according to a Religion News Service report on The Times-Picayune web site.

One self-proclaimed “crunchy con” Rod Dreher said that his conservative friends’ reaction to his family joining an organic food co-op was, “Ewgh, that’s so lefty.”

Mr. Dreher describes his family. “My wife, Julie, is a stay-at-home mom who is beginning to home-school our young son. We worship at an ‘ethnic’ Catholic church because we can’t take the Wonder Bread liturgy at the Roman parish down the street.”

“We are as suspicious of big business as we are of big government. We rarely watch TV, disdain modern architecture and suburban sprawl, avoid shopping malls and spend our money on good food we prepare at home. My wife even makes her own granola.”

Moderator’s Comment: What are your thoughts on the
crunchy conservative trend?

Oh my…we’re crunchy cons (more than less) and didn’t
even know it. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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