Consumers Starved for Information

By George Anderson

The chief executive of GNC, Mike Meyers, told the Pittsburgh Business Times that “About a year ago, we started doing some extensive research with consumers to see what they were looking for and how we could better serve their needs. The one thing that we really learned was that consumers are starving for information.”

A year later GNC has undergone a transformation investing $20 million in store redesigns and increasing the amount of educational information it has for consumers three-fold.

GNC disseminates this information through video kiosks and informational brochures for consumers.

The retailer is also looking to upgrading the knowledge of its store associates and managers. GNC is presently working with the University of Florida to develop a two-year training program called GNC University.

Mr. Meyers says, “This is not about marketing. It’s about being a trusted, credible leader of this category. It’s about being responsible. We are the credible, trusted authority. These are the kinds of things consumers can expect from GNC.”

Moderator’s Comment: Will health conscious consumers be willing to pay
for GNC’s expertise and resources or will they shop the outlet with the lowest

Mr. Meyers is being less than honest.
Establishing a position as a retailer that is a trusted authority is all about
marketing. Assuming GNC actually delivers on its promises to consumers, it will
be a marketing lesson worth learning for others.
Anderson – Moderator

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