Companies That Lose Weight Together, Stay Together

By George Anderson

VSM Abrasives, a maker of industrial sandpaper, needed to find a way to reduce
health insurance costs for its employees and so it did. The company created
its “Get Healthy for Life” contest, which created a weight-loss competition
between self-named teams made up of five employees each, according to The
New York Times

The response to the program was outstanding as 100 of the company’s 135 employees
joined in the competition.

According to the Times’ report, “Weigh-ins were held every Monday morning,
and the team that shed the most pounds collectively in three months — the
Five Fat Sensitive Men, as it turned out, at 113 pounds — won $100 and
a day off with pay for each team member.”

The program was so successful at VSM, the company has made it a permanent part
of its benefits package.

Moderator’s Comment: What are your thoughts on VSM
Abrasives’ company weight loss program? Will similar programs become commonplace
in companies in the near future?

Brent Barton, president. VSM Abrasives told The New York
Times, “As the program progressed, our employees became noticeably more productive
and confident.”
Anderson – Moderator

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