Brewer Takes South Beach Fight Public

By George Anderson

Anheuser-Busch says the best selling book, The South Beach Diet, by Dr. Arthur Agatston gives readers the wrong information about beer and it is publicizing it with full-page
ads in 31 newspapers across the country today.

The book, originally published in 2003, prohibits dieters following the program to drink any alcohol for the first 14 days and then only wine after that.

Dr. Agatston’s opinion on beer appears to have changed since the book’s original run but this hasn’t been reflected in published copies. According to Reuters, the author and
associates “have backpedaled on the prohibitions against beer, but only on Internet message boards at ( that require membership to view.”

Moderator’s Comment: What are your thoughts on Anheuser-Busch’s communications effort refuting the South Beach diet’s
take on beer?

According to the Reuters report, “When questioned online by a dieter, Agatston replied that all the alcoholic beverages, when consumed in moderation, appear
to have favorable effects on heart disease and diabetes prevention, and he specifically mentioned Michelob Ultra as a better choice than high-carb beers.”

Dr. Agatston should edit his book to reflect his current views. His organization should also donate $1 million to an alcohol awareness program chosen by
Anheuser-Busch to balance the same amount of money the brewer is paying to set a record straight that the doctor himself should have already done.

Anderson – Moderator

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