Basha’s In Skin Cancer Technology Test

By George Anderson

Arizona, where Basha’s Food Stores operate, is known for its sunny, warm weather. Unfortunately, with the ever-present sun comes the type of exposure that has led to an increase
in skin cancers in recent years.

Now, the supermarket chain is testing a digital photography system developed by Telemedco which allows an in-store technician to photograph an area of skin and send it instantly
to a dermatologist for review.

Telemedco’s Don Speck told WKOLD TV 13 in Tuscon, “Individuals may have an area of their skin or a spot they suddenly notice is a little bit different than before. This gives
them an opportunity to have them come in, have it looked at and be able to have a certified dermatologist look at it without having to necessarily go to the office.”

The procedure costs $30 for the first photograph and $10 for each additional image.

Moderator’s Comment: What is your reaction to Basha’s testing Telemedco’s Skin Cancer screening system in its stores?

Basha’s knows its customers and the use of this technology in its stores demonstrates it cares about them as well. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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