AMA Wants Beer and Wine Commercials Pulled

By George Anderson

Reuters Heath reports that The American Medical Association (AMA) wants beer and wine commercials banned from prime-time television.

“Recent evidence that alcohol damages the brains of young people and that damage may be irreversible” has prompted the AMA’s call for a ban.

Dr. David Jernigan of the Georgetown Center on Alcohol Marketing to Youth charges that alcoholic beverage manufacturers are targeting underage drinkers. Dr. Jernigan says that underage drinkers represent 12 percent of alcohol sales.

Moderator’s Comment: Should there be tighter restrictions
(or possibly a ban) on advertising of alcoholic beverages?

We would suggest that instead of banning advertising for
beer and wine on television, that watching the Osbourne’s be made mandatory
for anyone under the age of 21 and that it be included in alcoholic treatment
programs. Five minutes of watching Ossie is enough to make clear to anyone the
dangers of abusing alcohol and other substances. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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