Alzheimer’s Answer May Be Found at Sea

By George Anderson

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are afflictions associated with growing old. High-profile cases of Alzheimer’s such as former president Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston have, along with the knowledge that the Baby Boom generation is quickly becoming Generation AARP, given impetus to scientific research on this health issue. It is estimated that over 12 million people across the globe suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

A new study out of France sees a link between eating fish and reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies on fish consumption and polyunsaturated fatty acids have indicated they also play a positive role in promoting pulmonary health.

More than 1,600 elderly people in the south of France were tracked for up to seven years. Pascale Barberger-Gateau of the University Victor Segalen in Bordeaux said the research indicated that, “Elderly people who eat fish or seafood at least once a week are at a lower risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.”

Moderator’s Comment: How can food stores organize across
departments to create one whole health voice speaking to consumers?

We have CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CIOs and someday, perhaps, there
will be a CWHO. (What’s C. Everett Koop up to these days, anyway?) [George
Anderson – Moderator

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