A-B Wins Battle of the Ads

By George Anderson

The Ozzy and the Obsbourne clan may have received the most pre-game attention but it was Anheuser-Busch’s Clydesdales and a zebra that won the competition for the best Super Bowl ad, according to the USA Today’s Ad Meter.

A-B’s winner commercial included a zebra acting as referee reviewing a play during the Clydesdale’s football game on the instant replay monitor.

USA Today gave A-B commercials four of the top five spots. A Pepsi commercial featuring a baboon (the non-Osbourne variety) was the third most popular. Ozzy and his family were ranked number 13 in the Ad Meter contest.

Moderator’s Comment: How important are Super Bowl ad’s
to the sales of a brand such as Budweiser or Sierra Mist following the days,
weeks, months following the game?

Great ads have the ability to transform a brand’s image.
The same is true of a terrible commercial.
Anderson – Moderator

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